sweet the sin, bitter the taste in my mouth

Oct 05, 2004 09:41

There's really nothing like reading something that resinates with (I was going to say the whole core of your being but I think that's taking it a bit too far)... everything (and that just sounds silly but). Like it was written on the same frequecy as your brain. My brain. I'm only about eight pages into Our Lady of the Flowers by Jean Genet and. gah. I'm already in love. I have to keep stopping and saying things like 'wow' and 'holy fuck that's good' out loud while I'm reading. longsunday I thank you for bringing him to my attention.

In other news I think that the craziness of my life (and work work work) is finally winding down and I just may have time for writing in the near future. (Though I'm a bit afraid to say it lest I jinx it but I'm saying it anyway 'cause it makes me happy.) In other words, I think I may actually be back for the duration. And I've been skimming my flist and only half reading, so. How are you all on this fine fall day?

eta: It's the end of an era. It was a good era though. Very very good.
*bitter sweet sigh*

books, writing, memes, time (& lack there of)

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