Someone please to remove the concrete from inside my head.

Feb 24, 2004 10:09

I really don't think it's fair that I got this cold first and then my boyfriend got it and now he's better but I'm still sick. *pouts* There's this poking (that's the only word I can seem to find to describe it) in the back of my head like when I've have just a bit too much Chinese hot mustard and the heat sort of climbs up my sinuses and waps me in two points on the back of my head. 'Cept it feels like that all the time. It doesn't hurt it's just, odd.

Okay, done complaining about being sick now.

In honor of watching The Maker which turned out to be much better than I thought it would be and pretty funny at times. New icons. They're all JRM ('cept for the one possibly unrecognizable Rufus), 'cause I can't seem to make icons with anyone else. I suppose that's why they call it obsession, right? And just 'cause I think it would be fun and I'm bored (and tilney has good ideas) I think you should tell me which one you like best and why.

& tilney I tried to email you but my email hates me. But, glad to be of service, dear. I knew being anal was good for something :D. And I'd gladly do it again. Lotsa lotsa love. *shnoogs you madly*
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