music and slytherins

Aug 19, 2003 15:49

Finally, one of the three cds I've ordered has arrived. God I fucking love Coldplay. Hope the other two show up soon though.


switchknife wrote some smutty haiku a few days ago and that inspired me to do some of my own, only one of mine is smutty however. Have cut the pairings/character names 'cause I'm curious if it's even vaguely apparent who they are about if I don't say it. (hint: not H/D)

He could have been me.
Maybe his tongue on my cock
feels like mine would feel.

to a fault. A way of life.
The same brings him down.

When the world owes you
nothing will stop what you want
save what you need.


Also have finally gotten around to finishing this:

My Blaise

...was born with red hair, which fell out at the age of two and grew back in a brown so dark it is almost black, so dark it seems to suck in the light. He wears it half way between long and short, just enough to cover his eyes but not his nose.

...has blue eyes so dark the pupils are almost indistinguishable from the iris.

...rather likes cowboy boots, especially those with pointed toes.

...always wears black, except for the boots, which are brown with a bit of a heel.

...has a way of fading into the background, his dark clothes blending with the shadows. A way of never being noticed if he doesn’t want to be. It’s almost as if air reacts differently when he’s around. As if he can just fall back into it and disappear.

...has always loved a challenge. The more unlikely the conquest the more thrilling the chase.

...very much enjoys toying with Draco.

...spends a good deal of his time just watching other people. He is gathering information about them, he’s not quite sure for what but he knows it will come in handy someday. Besides, it’s better to know a lot about others than have them know a lot about you.

...absolutely detests gold, the color and the metal.

...likes being a Slytherin, not because he necessarily agrees with the ideas behind the founding of the house but because it is much more interesting to watch people who are trying to be devious, and he likes silver and the color green. not interested in politics, just twisting things to his own advantage. not easily impressed, or angered, but if he does get angry, boy, you better run. the only Slytherin who ever says anything against Draco.

...very much enjoys leaning against Draco’s desk, or even better pushing Draco up against the desk, in such a way that the carefully arranged quills are pushed askew and then distracting Draco while he tries to put everything back in order.

And, because I can't seem to do one without the other, and the last bit about Blaise doesn't make as much sense without the last bit about Draco:

My Draco

...likes to think he is in control of everything at all times (and often is) and spends a fair amount of time deluding himself that this is actually the case, especially where Blaise is involved.

...will only sleep in silk sheets.

...has never really thought about what it means to be a Death Eater or the fact that he is expected to become one. It is just one of those things that he’s always known is going to happen and spending to much time dwelling on the reality of it might put him off.

...misses his father now that he’s in Azkaban even though he never really talked to him that much when he was around. a bit obsessive/obsessed with, well, just about everything when it comes down to it.

...feels he is entitled to anything and everything he can get his hands on and then some.

...thinks he is complicated, but is more conflicted than anything else, really.

...doesn’t like Blaise all that much but strangely keeps finding himself in situations that involve Blaise removing his clothes and lots of gasping/moaning. naturally blonde. Yes, all over. incredibly anal about the way his things are stored/arranged, in his trunk, on his desk, on the table by his bed, even the way his bed is made (it took him five years of threats and hexes to get the house elves to do it right). Everything must be just right and if it is not he has to put it right before he does anything else.

harry potter fic, fic, blaise, draco, blaise/draco

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