These things are entirely too much fun.

Aug 12, 2003 12:17

Also, refreshed it a couple of times and got these.
Have decided this one is about Draco:

the flu and being all
whiny and said something to
the other slytherins

And this one is about Blaise:

the shelf by the door
opening he watches with
blue eyes so dark


Weeee! Wild monkey sex. What a wonderful phrase.

Ok, so that means I'll be doing this til I'm 77. heh.

And, a

gacked from primroseburrows

Do you like having your picture taken?

Ever bought a CD for just one song?
I'm sure I have but I can't remember which at the moment. Though I did buy a tape (Forever Again by Eric's Trip) based solely on the fact that the name of the band is a Sonic Youth song having never even heard of them before. They turned out to be quite good to.

Do you read your horoscope?
Occasionally. It's amusing.

If you could only talk to one person online, who would that be?
meh, I don't know.

What colour is the inside of your head when you close your eyes?
Very very dark orangey with swirlie blueish bloches around the edges.

Do you find you use Internet language when writing notes in real life?
Yeah, w00t and wibble being the most prominent.

When you're talking do you ever use your hands to do quotation marks in the air when saying certain words?
I do, but rarely.

Ever seriously questioned your sanity?
I think I may have when I was fifteen. But that's rather par for the course isn't it?

When you dream do you see what's happening in a character's view or a camera type view?
A little bit of both.

Have you ever kept a New Year's resolution?
I don't know that I've ever seriously made a New Year's resolution.

What was your school mascot?
A cougar.

Do you wish your teeth were whiter?
No, my previous dentist seemed to though, kept mentioning whitening options, but I think he was just trying to make a buck.

Do you laugh at your own jokes?
All the time. I'm very amusing.

What word instantly makes you smile/laugh?
Well, tis a phrase, but, wild monkey sex at the moment.

When eating, are you more concerned with taste or healthiness?
Both, but more so that the food be pesticide free and not geneticaly modified.

Do you find you're different talking through IMs than face-to-face or on the telephone?
Never us IMs. to problematic w/my dialup connection.

How many phone numbers do you have remembered and can say off the top of your head?
Less that I used to, my friends keep moving and changing their numbers.

What was the best Halloween costume you ever had?
Dressed up as a Christmas tree a couple of years back, complete with a star on my head and actual working xmas lights.

Do you cry when you laugh?
Sometimes but more I just fall over.

Can you limbo?
To a point.

You're a vampire; what's worse, never seeing a photo/reflection of yourself, never being able to eat or drink what's not blood, or never seeing sunlight again?
Never being able to eat or drink what's not blood, I'm big on taste.

Do you say random stuff like "I like Snickers" when you are having a conversation about something totally different?
Sometimes, yeah., but mostly I just tend to ramble on and on.

Have you ever cracked into somebody else's email?

Do spelling errors bother you?
Not as much as the misuse of quotation marks.

Name all Teletubbies right now:
Uh, TinkyWinky. *hates the Teletubbies*

Would you ever call someone a racist name?

Do you think Vlad is a cool name?

Did you know it is Dracula's first name?
Yes. ;)

What do you think is going to take over humans and rule the world?
Cockroaches. They can survive being microwaved you know.

What is your IQ?
No idea.

Have you ever killed your own dinner?

Would you prefer a spork or a spoon and fork?
Spoon and fork, 'cause two potential implements of destruction is better than one.

If you choke a smurf, what colour does it turn?
Orange. definitely orange.

Papa Smurf: loveable grandfather or crack-selling pimp?
Loveable crack-selling grandfather.

Favourite of the seven dwarves?

Do you like Wayne or Garth better?

What do you think of gold teeth?
Mmm, Captain Jack Sparrow.

Ever laughed so hard that what you were drinking spewed out of your nose?
No, but I have laughed so hard that I couldn't breath.

Got milk?
grrr. The most evil marketing campaign ever.

Wasn't Josie and the Pussycats a stupid movie?
Didn't watch it, mostly because I suspected it would be stupid.

Wasn't Shrek an awesome movie?
The Matrix rip-off fight scene was pretty cool, but it's got nothing on anything done by Pixar.

What did you think of the movie Turner and Hooch?
geh. awful.

Have you ever checked out your own arse?
Yup, and it's not bad either.

What time did you wake up today?

Have you ever dissected a frog?
Yes, seventh grade science, and it was around Feb. 14th and I remember going up to someone with a frog heart on one of those poker things and saying Happy Valentines Day. Don't ask my why I remember that.

Do you eat to live or live to eat?
Somewhere in between.

Would you eat SPAM for £5?
That's like $8 right? yeah why not, as long as it's like a couple of bites and not the whole can.

What's your favourite kind of muffin?
Corn. But only if it's made the right way without very much sugar.

Would you like enough crackers to last you a year?
Depends what kind of crackers they are. Plain old Ritz? No. Stoned Wheat Thins? Definitely.

Would you like enough beatings to last you a lifetime?
None works for me thanks.

Is the only way you can dance in a dark room with a strobe light?

Have you ever written poetry?
Yup, mostly very bad and depressing.

What is the worst grade you have ever got on a test?
A zero I believe.

How long have you been living at your current residence?
Four years.

Do you like children under 10?
On the whole, no. But on an individual basis some of them are ok.

Have you ever babysat (outside your own family)?
That was how I made my money in high school.

Have you ever fallen off a chair?
Yes. And, once hit my head so hard I had to get stitches.

Do you ever take stuff home with you from a hotel room?
Yes. Once when on a family vacation the hotel really messed up my parents reservation and them charged them way to much for it and wouldn't admit their mistake so we took all towels, bath mats etc. I think my parents still have the bath mat.

What is your dream kiss like?
I'm afraid I'm not much of a romantic. Don't think I have one.

The most romantic thing anyone has done for you was:
When my boyfriend and I were still in the process of building our house and living in a crappy tiny trailer he cooked me dinner and set it all up in the basement of the unfinished house with candles and a makeshift couch, and, well it was just really sweet.
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