Fic: Invisible Leaf (Lewis)

May 01, 2016 10:54

My British detective obsession continues apace, and so I've written another fic. Wingfic this time for a fic challenge even (first time I've done that in something like ten years). And considering how much I love wingfic and how much time I spent in a fandom that actually involved magic it's kind of ironic that this is the first time I've done so.

Title: Invisible Leaf
Fandom: Lewis
Characters/Pairing: James Hathaway/Robbie Lewis
Rating: Teen
Wordcount: 4302
Warnings: None

Summary: Foul weather, hostile witnesses, and a late night after a very early morning lead to Lewis and Hathaway spending the night in a B&B. Hathaway is far from keen on the idea.

A/N: Takes place sometime after The Dead of Winter.

’Invisible Leaf’ on Ao3

lewis, fic, wingfic, hathaway/lewis

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