same small world at your heels

Sep 30, 2011 08:43

I'm settling in over at Pinboard (greenapricot over there just like I am everywhere else). Delicious does seem to be making efforts to bring back some of the functionality that they dumped, but there's not nearly enough that's back yet for it to be useful to me. So, I'm using Pinboard exclusively unless some miracle happens and Delicious goes back to the way it was. If you're over there too let me know so I can follow you.

Oh, and speaking of following, the default is to follow anonymously. So if you want people to be able to see who you are go here and check the box.

ETA: The Great Delicious Migration Google Docs Spreadsheet for keeping track of where everyone's gone.
ETA2: Delicious - Pinboard username mapper shows you who was on your Delicious network even though you can't see it on Delicious anymore.

In an effort to get back to writing something ever I've been doing this thing (or, well, trying to anyway) called 750words off and on for the past few months. It's basically a place to do brain dump writing where it keeps track of your word count, speed, etc (and it's locked so no one else can see it unless you want them to). I've only gotten up to 750 a handful of times but it has helped me to at least write something almost every day. I even wrote a (possibly terrible, I haven't gone back and read it over again) Suits fic. I don't know if I'll ever post it, but it felt really good to write it and that was the whole point anyway.

delicious, writing, pinboard

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