all I want is the moon upon a stick

Apr 25, 2011 10:07

Doctor Who
What a fucking ride The Impossible Astronaut was! I loved every bit of it. The Ponds at home and the Doctor sending them messages through time, River packing, the extreme creepiness of the aliens, River with a gun strapped to her hip, Mark Sheppard, River and the Doctor flirting. But the things that struck me the most after having watched it a second time is that this is the first time we've seen Eleven be quite so mean, which reminds me of Ten, which makes me love him more. I even love the cliffhanger. That's how much I trust Moffat. A fucking lot. I have high hopes for this season and so far they have been met and more (I didn't even know Mark Sheppard was in it, that was a lovely surprise).

But most of all I am just loving, loving, LOVING, everything about The Doctor and River and their backwards time lines. It's all so timey-wimey which is exactly what a show about a time travelling alien should be.

Game of Thrones
I haven't had a chance to watch last night's yet, but Winter is Coming was fantastically done. So beautiful and so epic. I am very much looking forward to the rest of this ride and how they are going to handle all of the shit that's going to happen. As with the books I fear that my comments about the show are mostly going to consist of OMG so epic. Not that that's a bad thing.

Also, I finally started reading Catching Fire and I'm loving it almost as much as The Hunger Games. Spend the better part of yesterday reading it on the deck in the almost seventy degree weather. (I'd probably be finished with it now if the shooting pain in my shoulder would go away so I could lie on my back and comfortably read in bed.)

Also, also, I've been spending a whole lot of time on Tumblr lately (it works well with my being insanely busy with work for the past couple of months, pop in, look at some pretty, pop out). So, if any of you've got a Tumblr and I don't know about it tell me. I'm greenapricot over there too. (& I'm not abandoning LJ or anything, there's just so much pretty over there I'm helpless to resist.)

Also x3, my favorite Sherlock fic is finished (was a month ago but see insane busy-ness). Ivy's Sherlock is hands down my favorite Sherlock. I've read many of the chapters three or four times and the whole thing twice and there are still bits that make me clap and snicker to myself with how wonderful it all is. The Progress of Sherlock Holmes 62,000 words of pure awesome.

Also x4, The King of Limbs: super fantastic Radiohead album or super fantastic Radiohead album? I am kind of completely in love with Thom Yorke right now.

doctor who, music, sherlock, recs, game of thrones

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