and so they came with cameras breaking through the morning mist

Apr 19, 2009 14:40

The day before I left Arizona (nearly a month ago now) my companions and I went for a hike along the West Fork trail (which I believe means the river it follows is the west fork of Oak Creek 'cause it's in Oak Creek canyon) near Flagstaff. The trail crosses back and forth over the river about fifteen or twenty times and passes through an ever narrowing redrock canyon, getting more and more gorgeous the further in you go. It is now one of may favorite places ever.

It pretty much had me at hello with an abandoned farm with cave at the beginning of the trail.

The cave even has a tiny window carved above the door.

The chicken coop.

Inside the abandoned chicken coop.

First glimpse of the canyon walls right up next to the river.

And then, there were all these cool rocks.

The bark of a two foot diameter ponderosa pine, one of the biggest on the trail.

We stopped for a snack break right around here.

The whole trail was quite magical, but this spot was especially so. I could have taken pictures in this one spot for hours upon hours. (Definitely my favorite part of the trail.)

Those white dots are water drops falling from the mossy rocks that hung out straight over the trail. Magical!

Just after the magic spot the canyon walls start to close in. It was quite magical there too. (My other very favorite part of the trail.)

Nature imitates art imitating nature and makes it's own Andy Goldwothy installation. (Though on a grander scale than most, that rock was 10 feet high. (My favorite part of this favorite part.))

The end of the trail, the walls closed in so far the only way to continue was to wade in the river. The water was very cold though, and we didn't have proper attire. I would love to go back again with waders.

The rocks all looked slightly different on the way back out since the light had changed.

The light was so very Maxfield Parish in spots.

Standing in the middle of the river on one of the many rock hopping river crossing.

The last couple of tower-y rocks before we made it back to the cars.

what i did with my camera, arizona

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