if this was a picture it would be me running in circles with flailing hands and grinning ear to ear

Nov 05, 2008 09:52

I got sunburnt yesterday standing outside for eight hours holding Obama signs. I hate getting sunburnt almost more than anything and I usually do whatever I can try to avoid it at all costs and get very cranky if I can't. But today, though the skin on my face is all tight and itchy and dry and will likely be like that for the better part of the week, I don't care. I was so fucking worth it and I would do it again in a second. I would stand out there longer, for days, because the fact that these two people

are the next First Lady and President of the United States is pretty much that most amazing thing that has happened in my life.

Every post I read about the election (which is pretty much every post on my flist) makes me cry, just like watching the live feed of Grant Park last night made me cry and refreshing cnn to see Pennsylvania then Ohio then Virginia go blue made me cry (and whoop with joy at the same time). I still can't really believe it. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and it's going to be all over but it's not. This really happened! President Barack Obama, guys. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA!






ETA: Indiana! We got Indiana! Indiana on top of Virginia holy shit!

obama, icons

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