waiting for something to happen

Nov 03, 2008 11:57

Between the sinus headache I woke up with this morning (which seems to be mostly immune to drugs) and my inability to stop myself from constantly refreshing the RCP poll averages to assure myself that Obama is still doing ok I'm finding it very hard to concentrate on anything work related. I've been having strange restless dreams full of clashing blue and red patches the last few nights, a sure sign that playing with the electoral maps just before bed is a bad idea. BUT, The Economist endorsed Obama in this week's issue. I find this very encouraging especially considering they were clearly in favor of McCain only a few short months ago. I can't remember ever caring this much about an election or a candidate and have had many a conversation with friends who feel exactly the same. It feels epic and hopeful and like being part of history and totally anxious making at the same time. Constantly fretting about the outcome of the election is definitely upping the average stress level of my life. *sigh*

Maybe I should just call it a wash and clean the kitchen instead of trying to work. We left the kitchen a mess when we went away over weekend and, sadly, no magic fairy came to clean it while we were gone. Then finishing S1 of Dexter became the priority once we returned last night. Oh my life, it is hard. heh.

Speaking of Dexter I can't remember ever watching a show that was a more coherent, complete and satisfying story than S1 of Dexter (except maybe for Cowboy Bebop but since Bebop was never meant to have more than one season I'm not sure it's a fair comparison). I love a story that gives me enough to figure out some of the mystery before the characters do and can still blow me away with unexpected twists. I'm liking the beginning of S2 so far too, not as insanely much as S1 but still quite engaging.

Don't forget to vote tomorrow, kids.

ETA: This Obama picspam is made entirely of AWEOSME (so much so that it actually made me tear up a bit, that's what hope does to me apparently) not unlike the man himself.

politics, dexter, obama

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