I've got this crazy plant called a night blooming sirius in my office. It is huge and has super long branch-leaves (the leaves grow out of the branches and the branches grow out of leaves and then roots sprout out of everything even five feet in the air). It reaches it's long skinny tendrils from where the pot is in the corner of my office all the way across the printer table five feet away, up the wall behind it to the ceiling and along the window sill to my desk eight feet away. It looks like some kind of crazy alien ocean cactus and about once a year it blooms. The flowers are eight or nine inches in diameter, open around dusk and last for only one night.
It bloomed a couple of weeks ago and I spent the better part of a couple hours lying under the printer table (the flower was dangling off the side of it) with my halogen maglite for lighting, taking pictures of it.