the towns slide by like ghost repeaters

Aug 19, 2008 15:17

The weather today is downright fall-like (except for the fact that the mosquitoes are voracious like June). The fall-like weather and lesser humidity reminds me of being in Arizona so. Arizona pictures.

On the drive I discovered that I have quite a talent for taking pictures out the window of a car that is moving down the highway at 80 miles and hour. This is also further evidence that my camera is the best ever.

I didn't take any pictures the first two days (stops for the night in Columbus, OH and Lawrence, KS) but once we hit the middle of Kansas and the sun came out I found it hard to stop.

Heading west on 70 with most of Kansas still to go.

This may be Kansas or it may be eastern Colorado. It's kind of hard to tell. There's something quite lovely about ranchland fences to me.

We stopped at moosesal's place the third night. This is her mountain paradise of a back yard.

On the way back to 70 form Sally's.

The mountains over 12,000 feet still had snow on the north sides of them.

Back on 70 and the hills changed again.

The alien landscape that is Utah.

Less alien looking Utah rest stop.

Red pointy rock!

We stopped at a rest area just south of Moab for lunch/dinner (our sense of time was totally out of wack by that point). After taking something like 60 pictures in at the rest stop I felt better for having to had pass Arches National Park by.

Red rocks and green sage (and the whole place smelled of sage it was quite lovely). I am in love.

Just a bit down the road there was Wilson Arch. Geology is so freaking cool.

And then there was a rainbow. I'm not sure if this was Utah or Arizona. At some point in there we crossed into Arizona on the reservation (Hopi or Navajo we went through both).

Monument Valley in the distance.

Sunset in a thuderstorm. It was much more dramatic and glowy red than the picture and so so very beautiful.

Then it got dark and we continued on to Flagstaff. I was there for three days and M and I did a bit of hiking (along with a fair amount of watching Angel in her bed. TV about vampires has recuperative and relaxing powers don't you know).

Aspen grove at the Arizona Snowbowl. The pictures don't even come close to conveying the magical dreamy quality of the place.

Our houndly travelling companion.

They look like brothers but they are only in name (M's dog and our friend J's dog).

Sunset at the Snowbowl.

Continuing the tradition of taking pictures out the window of a moving car. One last view of the sunset on the way back down the mountain to M's new house.

Going through these pictures has me itching to go back there again right now. I'd forgotten how much I love the southwest.

what i did with my camera, road trip

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