(no subject)

Aug 05, 2008 21:39

One fifteen hour day of driving and one twelve and a half hour day of driving and we have made it to Lawrence, KS. We did not get sucked up in a tornado in Columbus last night when the thunder storm with the closest together thunder I have have ever experienced (like the finale of a fireworks display) went over head in the middle of the night. Our motel here is cushy and has a pool and wireless and looks out on a park with a 18 hole frisbee golf course in it (the dog is very happy about this). We have Pad Thai and spring rolls (delivered) and a big TV to hook the computer up to and watch Angel on. (Speaking of which M came up with the brilliant idea yesterday that Captain Jack Harkness is the Immortal. Fucking genius.) Tomorrow we drive across all the rest of Kansas to moosesal's and get to see the rockies. And now wine and Angel and Thai food. Hoozah.

captain jack harkness, btvs, road trip

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