(no subject)

Jun 22, 2008 22:24

Things that I have been doing this past week: A story in bullets.

• Enjoying the GORGEOUS weather. And by gorgeous I mean


• Telling clients I was going to be out of the office for most of the day on my birthday and then going thrift store shopping and out for Vietnamese with my girl F.

• Spotting a late '60s Chevy Biscayne with as KAZ 2Y5 plate (and leaving a note to tell the owner that I thought it was awesome).

• Helping T (not that T another T) and F make sushi and spring rolls for the joint F's going away and my birthday party on Friday (and then the party itself).

• Wearing skirts (which I usually never do, but I've bought some at thrift stores recently and I'm quite enjoying them).

• Taking pictures of flowers in the yard until I either get too bit up by mosquitoes to stand it any more or my camera runs out of batteries.

• Enjoying the new kick-ass speakers T's mom's boyfriend randomly brought us.

• Not stressing out about work even when clients are clamoring for last minute things.

• Watching Buffy while eating strawberries and chocolate cookies and drinking wine. I've watched pretty much all of season five this week (only three left) and why it took me so long to get here I have no idea. I'm a late bloomer I guess. But I am loving the Spike/Buffy. And Spike. Oh, Spike (I don't even have the words). And, well. EVERYTHING. Yes. I laughed, I cried (literally), I flailed, I love.

btvs, ...the universe and everything, supernatural, spike

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