porcupines and muscle cars

May 21, 2008 21:54

A porcupine has taken up residence in our yard. We've seen it every day since Saturday wandering around and eating random vegetation.

Luke investigates, but from a safe distance. He has spent a large part of the past few days in the yard or at the windows watching the porcupine. He follows it around the yard at a distance of about ten feet. I think it fascinates him as much as it fascinates us. (fyi: the yellow cord is the line we've put up to mark where the deck will eventually go)

The crazy overgrown yard is yummy.

And then it wandered into the walkway and started heading straight for me (and T and T's mom who were all standing there talking). I think it's hard of hearing as well as nearsighted. I've never encountered a wild animal that was so uninterested in humans being mere feet away (except for the bear, but bears are way bigger than me).

Finally it headed away from us. We had to yell first.

A different day hanging out by the chairs about eight feet from the porch.

Luke is keeping an eye on it. Everything is under control.

Just before dark T and I had to go out and poked it with a rake to get it to stop eating all the flowers off the pear tree. When you ('cause, you know, we all have to poke porcupines now and again) go out to poke it with the rake yelling "hey, stop that" it just looks at you with it's little black nearsighted eyes and the goes back to eating the tree until you've actually poked it with the rake and kind of half dragged it off the branch.

It is really quite cute, but I hope it doesn't take up permanent residence 'cause I'm worried that someone will drunkenly stumble across its sleeping spot (it curled up next to the propane tanks in the corner of the house the first couple nights) at some party or other and that will only end badly.

When T and I went grocery shopping on Sunday we stumble across a car show in the parking lot of the supermarket. I, of course, had to stop and ogle the muscle cars. There was a 67 GTO the hottest car ever.

'Cept the one I saw had red wall tires to match the red interior. Hott. Seriously.

living in the woods is v exciting, wildlife, muscle cars, ...the universe and everything

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