On Friday I decided that I am going to drive to Arizona in August with my girl
mekka. It is going to be awesome and kind of crazy and So. Much. Fun.
Then I spent a good part of the rest of the weekend reading
Red Seas Under Red Skies (with breaks for frisbee golf and getting ice cream etc.). I am almost done, and I think I actually like it more than The Lies of Locke Lamora. And when I say like I mean am IN LOVE with. Everybody should read these books. Like, now. Locke and Jean have the kind of friendship that fandoms are based around and then there's the cleverness and the snark and the intrigue and the fantastic world building. If you have the same taste in fictional crushes as I do (and I'd say that covers most of you) you should do yourself a favor and read these books.
Sam is totally willing to become and evil immortal zombie for Dean, and with Dean. (Which just makes
these two little fics all the more awesome.) One thing I really do love about our boys is how all of their principles go right out the window when one or the other of them is in danger. Also, Bela. Yeah, I am most definitely still enjoying SPN and looking forward to the finale and all but my high levels of obsession and obsessive fic reading have clearly been centered around Torchwood for the last months. Oh, the novelty of a pairing that is not incest.
And speaking of Torchwood I can't stop thinking about Ianto. Some characters I fall in love with instantly, but some characters take a while to get in under your skin then then when they're in they're WAY in. Like Ianto. I mean I've always love him but in the last week or two the love it is just huge. HUGE. Maybe it's that he's now canonically the character I've always thought he was and the finally sunk in or something. Maybe it's all the great Ianto fic I read in the last week. I don't know but I am kind of in love with Ianto right now. IN LOVE. I look at pictures of him and I can't help but sigh. *sigh*
Also, I made some Torchwood icons. Or, well, found some on my hard drive were for all intents and purposes already made. They are way Jack/Ianto centric 'cause that's how I roll.
Please comment and credit if you take/use any of them. Caps by
Man, it is cold in here. I think I am actually going to have to make a fire even though it's 52 degrees outside. That is the trouble with this time of year (that and the black flies omg). More tea is needed.