(no subject)

Jan 22, 2008 21:16

So, I made a kind of new year's resolution that I would take more pictures this year, but I didn't tell anyone (and I didn't even really tell myself) so I wouldn't be disappointed if I didn't follow through. But I did and I am so I am saying it now. :)

With all this picture taking I have been realizing (or re-realizing, really ‘cause I knew this about myself already) that I really do prefer to take pictures of buildings and nature over people. I hardly even take pictures of people. It doesn't even occur to me that I could most of the time, but when I'm walking around see the play of light across a tree branch and I just have to capture it. I don't know. Anyway, pictures.

The river a couple of towns over. Before I started working at home I used work across the street from this.

I love the patterns in the water.

Birds on the feeder. I'm particularly impressed with myself for the second shot.

Trees by T's mom's well (which is way down in the woods) where we spend most of the day Saturday trying to fix the pump. As it turned out it wasn't the pump that was the problem but a break in the water line between the house and the well.

Stargazer lilies I got for T for our anniversary. Despite both of us having an aversion to pink they are our favorite flowers. The whole house smells like them, I love it.

That may be a lot of pics of three flowers, but I once took two and a half rolls of film in an orchid house in Brazil (I had to stop 'cause I ran out of film), this is nothing.

And now, the bath awaits.

what i did with my camera

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