saw our bodies reflected as a perfect palindrome

Jan 15, 2008 14:15

Jeffrey Foucault is pretty much the dreamiest guy ever. mekka and I went to see him play Saturday night in the rec hall of an Episcopal church. There was a bake sale going on during the breaks and (because M smokes and I always end up hanging out outside with my smoker friends) we ended up chatting with him a couple of times (about such things as the Packers game that was playing at the dive bar down the street, how his dad keeps sending him emails about how global warming doesn't exist and how Model Ts got 30 miles per gallon). Every story he told between songs and every little tidbit I learn about him just endears him to me even more. It's rather gratifying to fall in love with the music and have it turn out the musician is every bit as smart and awesome as his songs.

I am smitten. And even if I hadn't been before the show I would be now. I can't remember ever being this charmed and really kind of in love with a musician, not even back in high school.

I wish that I could manage to really articulate my love for his music and the way it makes me feel but I can't quite get there. Seeing him walk up the street wearing his coat and scarf and plaid shirt with his beat up leather bag over his shoulder made me want to squeal from the excitement of him being right there. The whole show did really, but at the same time such a fangirl reaction seemed wrong because what I feel when he plays is so much more than that. So real. Like a woodstove and a clawfoot tub, like a red barn in the half light and a white frost on the shade, like the sun gone down in the pale thin pink, like a movie of an empty theater, like an early rising moon. Like the song he wrote for his wife on a flight to Wisconsin about missing the Midwest and living in New England that he only plays live.

And, the highlight of the evening (made an even bigger highlight by the fact that I've been having a resurgence of love for Nebraska recently) he played State Trooper. And I squeezed M's hand for the sheer joy of two things I love so much coming together so well. When we go to see Mr. Foucault together M and I sure do a lot of hand holding.

Other things that are of the good:

• T's mom gave me a haircut yesterday so my hair now happily no longer resembles the shagginess of S1 Sam.

• After the insanely warm weather of last week that melted everything it snowed again yesterday so now the yard is all gloriously snow covered again like it should be in January.

• I've been having an awful lot of fun reading through the porn battle fics that have been posted so far.

• The Riggins boys.

• Torchwood S2 tomorrow.

music, ...the universe and everything, jeffrey foucault

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