just look over your shoulder darling I might be there before too long

Jul 29, 2007 22:48

I keep thinking that I'm going to make a real thought out post about Deathly Hallows but now I see that that's not going to happen. The more I talk about it with the people around me (and I have discovered over that past week that a huge percentage of the people I know and new friends of friends that I have met have read or are reading it right now) the less likely it is that I'm ever going to organize my thoughts in that way.

In no particular order from random notes over the past week:

Dudley's parting shot.

Hermione is fucking brilliant. And so is Ron with his fake Parseltongue. Oh, trio, I love you.

Kreacher, and his fighting to avenge Regulus.

Neville! He turned out as awesome as I had always hoped he would. I've always liked Neville and it was so AWESOME to finally see him come into his own. And killing the Basilisk. I love that Luna, Ginny and Neville took over the DA in Harry's absence (and I totally want to read fic about that). Also, all the people coming back for the final battle. It makes me tear up a little even now just thinking about it.

R. A. B. is Regulus! The locket was in Grimmauld Place. Snape is not evil! I squeed out loud for both. I knew I was right. I had had a heated discussion with friends just before getting the book about how I was so sure about these things that they weren't speculation to me, they were fact.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald's short lived but passionate affair. How much do I love that they were friends and then Dumbledore was the only one that could defeat Grindelwald after he went too far? SO MUCH. I love that he is not the perfect person Harry thought he was in the beginning and it makes him SO much more interesting. I totally want young Dumbledore fic now too. Fic that goes with this art.


I cried for Dobby. For Fred (god, FRED). For Harry walking into the forest and using the stone all ready to die. For his whole conversation with Dumbledore.

I kind of liked the epilogue despite all the pairing off. I just wish we got to know more what they are all doing. I mean, is Harry and Auror now? I'm gonna say yes. And I'm also choosing to believe that at some point before they all started having kids there was breaking up and dating other people and getting back together.

I am still kind of blown away by how much there was in there.

Also, watching OotP again after having finished DH was pretty cool. It makes it very apparent how many hints to the next book they really do put into the movies. It also reminds me how much I love Luna, which is a whole hell of a lot.

Saw Live Free or Die Hard today. I really wasn't expecting much, I mean it's a Die Hard movie and it's rated PG13. wtf? But I really liked it. It was pretty damn funny, lots of nice snappy dialog, and I was reminded how much I really kind of love Bruce Willis. Also, there is something very very appealing about Justin Long.

I miss Supernatural. Like, a lot. For a while there it was fine and even kind of relieving to not be trying to keep up with a bunch of TV every week, but now. I really really want more SPN and more is two months away. I miss the boys and I feel like it's been a while since I've thought about them despite the fact that I was able to read a bunch of fic and watch Tall Tales yesterday. Or maybe that's why I'm missing it so much right now. Tall Tales is a fucking great episode.

Man, listening to Jeffrey Foucault makes me so happy. It's like it fills up my heart. *dreamy sigh*

Also. Sometimes I forget how very very pretty you are.

jensen, harry potter, deathly hallows, supernatural, spn picspam, movies

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