half the fun of it is that i can't keep up

Mar 25, 2007 18:18

Conversation on the phone with femmenerd earlier:

Femme: *talking about Sam Winchester and sex and how "Heart" makes it impossible for her to think about anything else and why other eps haven't done that*
Me: *agreeing about the strange mesmerizing quality of the ep and idly poking around jensenacklesfans.com*
Femme: *more talk about Sam and werewolves and ( Read more... )

jensen, spn picspam, lj, sam, snow patrol, femmenerd, pretty boys are bad for the brain, stuff and nonsense

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greenapricot March 25 2007, 22:23:42 UTC

Other content, yeah, not that's important. It's all about the tongue, really.


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greenapricot March 25 2007, 22:34:33 UTC
I recommend downloading this song and listening to it on repeat while you're thinking about that dexterous muscular tongue.

Or, well, possible not if you were hoping to have coherent thoughts in the near future.\



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greenapricot March 25 2007, 22:39:09 UTC
It may be just me, but I swear that is the sexiest song EVER. Especially the more I listen to it.


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greenapricot March 25 2007, 22:47:36 UTC
I had a feeling you might. Cory is one of my latest obsessions. He is all kinds of awesome.


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