been thinking about you, and there's no rest

Mar 23, 2007 17:12

I am back home now (though my plane was two and a half hours late because of air traffic control fuckwittage. sitting around in airports really makes me want a laptop) and just about as insanely busy as I was before I left.

The random bits of scenes (or well, one scene in particular) from last nights SPN that keep popping into my head are really not helping my motivation to actually work. And, yeah. Speaking of that.

Just. I really have no coherent comments about it yet except. HOLY FUCK SAMMY! Wall slamming. Bitting. Biceps. HOT. ASS. nngh. and that's not really coherent. Sera Gamble and Kim Manners make an excellent team. Dean's little arm in the air on the way out that door. Rock-paper-scissors. Dean's rapt smile at the stripper. And, oh my god. BOYS. Sam is going to get an "if I have sex with girls they die" complex and now Dean gets how scared Sam has to be to ask him to kill him in the first place and. gah. Dean's heart breaking for Sam breaks my heart and their little faces. gah.

God, how can it be so awesome and hot and sad and everything all at once? I love you show. So much it makes it very hard to think.

Wednesday's Friday Night Lights rocked my socks too (as did watching it with femmenerd) but I have even less to say about that (except MILF!) 'cause that show is just like too awesome to even begin to put to words. I mean I want to talk about, but it just all come out flapping hands and sighing oh, Tim.

Also. Haven't really looked at my flist since Sunday night and there is no way I am going to catch up now. If you wrote something or did something between now and then (or Sunday and tomorrow, really, 'cause I am so not allowed to be looking at my flist yet) link me or tell me in the comments.

Okay, yeah. This totally does not count as working.

spn episode babble, work, fnl, supernatural, fnl episode babble

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