and you will be or you won't be, but you kill me. every time... you kill me

Mar 17, 2007 11:47

So there's this show called Supernatural and it's pretty fucking awesome. I may have mentioned that once or twice.

I was totally not expecting Molly to be dead. I was wondering why Sam was acting so very very emo in the bedroom there and why Dean was being such an ass but I totally didn't think it was 'cause she was a ghost too. Go show. That was awesome. I love the slightly non-linear telling of the story and the outsider's view of the boys. I love "You are like a walking encyclopedia of weirdness." And I'm really looking forward to watching it again knowing that Molly is a ghost the whole time.

Oh, the smirking.

And the back of Dean's neck. Mmm. (caps by oxoniensis)

Yay, show! I missed you and I'm glad you're back and someone please tell me that imdb is wrong and we don't have another month long wait between eps after next week. But, imdb also says that ep 18 is written by Ben Edlund so please tell me that is true.

Also! Director's cuts for next week. Man, next week's ep is going to kick. So. Much. Ass.

spn episode babble, supernatural, spn picspam

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