we must stop meeting like this

Mar 06, 2007 00:02

Heroes really has gotten consistently more awesome with each new episode. Tonight's ep being the awesomest so far. How much do I love the freaking Petrelli's right now? Like, all of them. A lot I tell you. A lot. Any show that has not only me but T also flailing as the credits roll totally wins. Also, when Mohinder is on the ceiling and blood drips down on to Peter's face and then Sylar telekenesises him against the wall I turned to T and asked "am I crazy or does that make you think of Supernatural?" He assured me I was crazy. But still.

And speaking of families. I had all these expectations about The Black Donnellys which I was trying not to voice even in my own head so when it didn't live up to them I wouldn't be disappointed but. DAMN. That shit was GOOD. Tommy is totally my new angsty tv boyfriend now. And the pretty (and I'm not just talking 'bout the brothers, all that pretty messing with the color and what not). I think I'm going to have to make icons. Somebody point me to some caps. *waits impatiently for tonight's ep to appear online*

Random fact about me that I find pretty amusing right about now: My last car (which I had to get rid of 2 or 3 years ago at 275,000 or so miles w/a big hole in the floor on the passenger's side) had a "kill your television" bumper sticker on it.

In other news had a lovely weekend starting with the discovery that I not only don't owe any taxes but will be getting a refund (which just happens to be only slightly less than the plane ticket I bought to go see femmenerd later this month which basically means that ticket cost me $15 \o/), then wine bars and hanging with lovely friends who I really should see more often and new game learning and the next day a massage (which has left me sore (yes still) but damn did I need that) and then dinner with more friends and another new game and doing fuck all yesterday which was quite nice.

Also, I have no excuse for my lack of comment answering, but there you go. I'll get to it eventually.

my friends are made of awesome, the black donnellys, heroes

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