half the math double the myth

Jan 25, 2007 10:08

So, there are some pics from Night Shifter up over at Supernatural-Media (some of which are a bit spoilery) but that's not the important part. The important part is Dean (and Jensen) wearing plaid.

The dot touching is great, what with the grinning and the giggling and the back of the neck touching and all, but that thing that really gets me is the shirt. Dean (and Jensen) look really freaking good in plaid (and when do we ever see that? most of his shirts are plain or there's that red one with the very little plaid but this is different, this is real plaid).

Yeah, so I kind of fell in love with the

and then there it is again (& I'd only consider these pics spoilery if you think the fact that the boys often stand around with flashlights and guns a spoiler)

I don't know what it is really, but that shirt makes me very very happy.

Also note that Jared is wearing the shirt from his


Needless to say I'm looking forward to tonight's ep.

Also, I was watching the X-Files the other day and part of Conduit (which would be the 4th ep 'cause I wouldn't've remember that if I hadn't just seen it) was filmed at the same lake as Dead in the Water. Funny thing is it looked pretty much exactly the same then as it did nearly fifteen years later for DitW.

jensen, i am a big dork, dean, i have a thing for plaid apparently, spn picspam, sam, jared, very important research, supernatural

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