and i cried out your name because i loved the sound it made

Jan 19, 2007 16:34

Oh, this freakin' show, people. Holy shit! They are SO watching us.

I wonder which fics, exactly, they based all that on. I'd like the list. Though it does make me wonder what people who aren't in fandom think of it. Do they see the wincest or are they just like "wow, those boys are so messed up they can't stop touching each other".

This episode totally wins for having the funniest and then tear-jerkiest moments right up next to each other. Also, the number of times I said things like "holy fucking shit" out loud while watching.

Oh, drunk!Sam. *pets him* Drunk Sam is a bit of an ass (and also awesome), and I totally thought he was possessed when Dean first walked into the room which scared the shit out of me. Now I want on screen drunken Dean angsting too.

Dean must really not be himself, not a single Shining reference. I'm a bit disappointed.

The ghost won this time and I really like that. And I don't think that's happened before (except with the demon of course) where the ghost or whatever is still there when they leave.

Wet!swimming!Sam OMG.

And then I had a bunch of work to do and left the entry half finished 'cause I've got some more thoughts but then monkiedude posted this and just. I can't even think about it anymore. Look how they're looking at each other.


Wow, that was way rambly and scattered. I don't think I can be blamed for that though.

This is my new favorite song of the moment, I can't seem to stop listening to it on repeat. Psalm -Jets to Brazil

spn episode babble, music, supernatural, spn picspam

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