and now you're searching, for a sign with your name

Oct 20, 2006 16:22

Every week I say that I couldn't possibly love anything more than the new episode. And then the next week there's a new episode. I don't think it's possible for me to make coherent posts with proper sentences and no capslock abuse about SPN anymore so I'm not even going to try.

'Cause I never posted about it last week:
Watching SPN with a bunch of fangirls who cheered at the sight of the Impala coming over the hill is like one of the best things EVER. (and I have opinions about the car being fixed and how it got fixed and how much time needed to have passed for that to happen and how it's not really the same car anymore if it was that fucked up 'cause there really was nothing to be salvaged. But Dean is so fucking happy about it and they're driving around again and I just don't care anymore.) Only Dean gets to call him Sammy. And the punch! (bullet proof kink right ther let me tell you) and Dean's trying to get Sam to take a swing at him. And all the beautiful scenic shots. Man, do I love it when they talk over the car like that. AND THAT LAST SHOT OF DEAN. GAH.

And then this week:
Holy shit, holy shit. Boy am I glad I decided to watch that by myself for the first time 'cause it turned me to a puddle of blubbering goo. Jesus. And then I watched it again and still with the blubbering goo.

I don't know how this is possible, but I think Jensen got prettier. Dean has a new necklace and bracelet. Sam watching porn! Sam gun porn! Sam and Jared wear the same weird ass shirt. "Are you high?" ! hee! Stoney!Dean fic now please.

And, god, the conversations between the boys. The way Sam is looking at Dean the whole time they're talking to Angie's dad and that they're so not subtly really talking about Dean the whole time. In the motel and the look on Sam's face when he asks Dean where he's going. And then outside Angie's dad's house. as;kgad;hga;sdh GAH. And then the last scene. Oh, DEAN. JESUS CHRIST ON A FUCKING POGO STICK. I think I've figured out why I have no fic writing motivation lately. It's 'cause canon keeps giving me everything I wanted and more. gah. THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH AND THEY ARE SO BROKEN AND IT HURTS SO MUCH AND MAKES ME CRY AND I LOVE IT. LOVE. IT.

Could I possibly love this show anymore? NO. NO I COULD NOT.


spn episode babble, supernatural

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