just remember me when you're good to go

Sep 13, 2006 22:01

So, I once (once being like a couple months ago or something) said that Starbuck was the best female character ever (or ever to me and my very picky female character liking self). Well, having just watched the first three episodes of Veronica Mars (finally I know, I've been distracted) I may have to reconsider that statement. Not take it back, no ('cause Starbuck kicks some serious ass and she's STARBUCK) but add an addendum or something. 'Cause Veronica, she kicks some ass too. But in a different way and just. Yeah. I want more, like. Now. I finally get what everyone's been on about. Why am I always so late to the game? I should really learn to watch shit when people first tell me to.

In conclusion, as Spike said (from Cowboy Bebop not BtVS): I love a girl who can kick my ass. But, you know, it means more when he says it than when I do. And I love a girl that can kick Spike's ass too.

why i should jump into the fire sooner, i love a girl who can kick my ass, starbuck, veronica mars

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