i don’t care what the captain said

Aug 25, 2006 14:08

My life lately is a whirlwind full of crazy things and so many people and no time to think really but not in a bad way. Like when I got home last night from setting my mom's new computer for her (which took like six hours but she gave me a pie as payment) and there were eight people in my house playing board games and watching Buffy. And before that when starcatsinging was here since Tuesday (and last night too) and there was much showing of the Firefly and some SPN watching and other people stopping by and not nearly enough sleeping. Though there wasn't quite as much the two of us sitting in the yard and writing as I would have hope because a) there are so many people always stopping by and b) we can't seem to shut up long enough to write when we're sitting next to each other. (I did manage to do some writing on the drive to and from my mom's, though. & yes, yes, I know that's bad and not safe and all but, whatever.)

So, the people, they are good and the hanging out is good and the fact that some of them want to watch Buffy is good but all the damn dishes are dirty all the time and that's just getting old. I'm kind of amazed at myself for actually managing to be this social for this many days straight without running off to hide in the basement. Go me. But, yeah, this week since Tuesday has been like one long weekend.

SPN article in SFX! The boys continue to be all kinds of awesome, and I am v.v much looking forward to S2. Hoo, boy. Many things in there that made me go yes, yes, YES.

And, I have to post this quote 'cause. yeah.

JA - "We're late because he [indicates Padalecki] partied hard last night and apparantly fell asleep in the shower"
JP - "I couldn't attend an interview without having a shower"
JA - "Sure.. but you're always in there for hours. What do you do in there?"
JP - "There's a lot of me to wash ok?"


Also, how much can I not wait for the DVD extras. So, much. omg.

padackles, supernatural, friends

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