you are the reason I've been waiting so long

Jul 21, 2006 19:43

If this was a meme one of these things would be a lie. But it's not. So there isn't.

1. I've been feeling lurky lately and don't have much to say.

2. Smallville is THE most cracktastic show ever. I fear getting sucked in (mostly 'cause it is so so very likely). I realize now that the random SPN/SV crossover crackfic I've read isn't even as cracktastic as the show. I am fascinated by that fact that this level of insanity exists on television.

3. The effect that Jensen being on screen in a show that is not Supernatural has on me is really alarming in that I fear that I couldn't stop from squealing even if I wanted to. But since it he has the same effect on femmenerd at least we have each other. (And I've been thinking about why it is that Dean doesn't bring about the squealing as much as other Jensen incarnations and I think it's that A. he's in every damn scene in SPN and that level of squee would probably kill me but mostly B. as Alec and Jason he smiles. A lot. And easily, and that smile turns me to jelly every time. and that makes me want to watch Hell House again just to see the boys laughing.)

4. The more BSG I watch the more I like it really really fucking LOVE it. Starbuck is the best female character EVER. In any show or movie. I'm not kidding. I've been waiting for someone like her my whole damn life.

5. I think it's time to cut all my hair off. Screw this long in the front short in the back thing, I want it short all over.

6. A black raspberry frappe and nachos is really not the best dinner idea ever.

7. I'm beginning to suspect that every single one of my friends has somewhat obsessive fannish tendencies of some sort. My friends are so fucking great. (case in point: one of said friends emailed me to tell me that he said "Christo" to every flight attendent on a recent flight he took. I thought it was a joke, but now he's back and come to find out. He actually fucking did it.) It's like destiny.

8. The highlight of Superman Returns was totally Kevin Spacey (this may or may not have had any influence on my liking of the Rosenbaum as Lex in subsequent SV viewing).

9. This is the summer of fannishness. Which is amazing in that it's all summer feeling, and fannish (and there is meaning there beyond just the repetition of the obvious, I swear.

10. Apparently number one is a lie (or half of it anyway).

eta: Also, based on a teeny snippet I read in TV Guide at the store earlier today with a quote from Kripke in it I think those sides that have been going around (or at least one of them anyway) might be fake.

Also, also, on the way to the town said store is in I saw a black Impala going in the other direction (though I think it was a '68 not a '67) and it totally made my heart skip a beat and I watched it too long in my rear view mirror and was half tempted to turn around and follow it. SPN has rekindled my love of muscle cars in a serious, serious way.

jensen, smallville, bsg, random shit, supernatural, friends

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