It's terribly terribly humid out right now. I'm really glad I closed the windows when I got up this morning to keep out the heat. I thought all the crazy thunderstorms this morning would have cleared that shit up.
So, there was the wedding and it was good. My little brother (not that he's really little or anything) now officially has a wife not a girlfriend. I had a little thing to read during the ceremony (which took place on top of a ski mountain) and I cried 'cause, as it turns out, I am a giant sap. Riding a ski lift in the summer in formal attire is quite a trip. And I don't know if it was the alcohol (not that I was that drunk) or the song (SOS, you know from
that vid) or what but I actually did some dancing and it was quite fun. The whole thing was a bit exhausting though. Being in the wedding party is like being on staff (only more) and I didn't get to hang out with people as much as I would have liked. I hope that means that K and D did.
Spent Saturday night in a B&B and got home Sunday late morning to find the friends who'd spent the night at our house while we went there lounging around our living room in their pjs, which is always very amusing.
Then most of them left and other friends came over randomly and we went to see Pirates which was exactly what I wanted to be doing right then. Then we had Vietnamese food.
And Pirates, I liked, yes, and I'll see it again, and there's nothing better than silly fight scenes and Captain Jack's extreme gayness, but it's all very middle of the trilogy and I think I'll have to reserve my actual final judgment for the third installment. Also, Keira Knightley in boys clothes=awesome. (Also also, SPN is so completely intwined with nearly every thought I have that the fact that Wayward Son came on the radio while we were waiting for the previews to start made me way happier than it really should).
And speaking of Supernatural. My powers of conversion are so amazing that I don't even have to try to convince people that they want to watch SPN anymore. They come over to my house and ask to watch it. Which is exactly what happened when the boys stopped by yesterday to play some frizbee golf. There are three of them who are all into it now and
femmenerd, of course.
starcatsinging you are so next. There's nothing that can stop me. *rubs hand together*
I do promise to only use my powers for good, though (or well, not real evil anyway).