they try to fly their kites inside their bedrooms

May 04, 2006 08:18

When I am busy I have nothing of consequence to say, just babble about random unrelated things.

Weird dreams last night. I blame the sunburn I got on the back of my neck while wandering around the flea market over the weekend (yes I'm so pale and sensitive to the sun that three days later it's still all dry and itchy hot). That and watching Supernatural and then reading V for Vendetta right before bed even though the dreams (what I can remember of them anyway) didn't have anything to do with either one of those things. Actually they seemed to have a lot to to with Gale Harold.

SPN: Nightmare. Holy fucking shit! It just keeps getting better. gah. GAH. Totally edge of my seat, holding my breath, finger biting good. I even scribble a bit of incoherent ficness after watching. (and though I've watched four other eps since then this still holds true).

I fear I may be developing allergies. I've never had allergies before, but my eyes have been itchy for days and there sure is a whole hell of a lot of pollen in the air right now.

Finally managed to see Slither (thank you bittorrent. but I can't wait 'til it comes out on dvd so I can see it better quality and with the sound exactly right). So fucking great! I laughed, I cheered, I was disgusted, I made snarky comments with the boys (the local zombie movie loving contingent), I kept thinking that the were saying Mal every time someone said Bill. Great fun was had by all.

It's free comic book day on Saturday!

I keep not making an "I'm so busy I'm not really here right now" post 'cause I keep thinking that I'm gonna be somehow magically not busy. It's not happening though. So, I'll not be around much 'til something like the second week in June. Actually it'll probably be more like the third. K, back to work.

spn episode babble, i'm not here, dreams, work, supernatural, random, comics, movies

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