inbetweeen tonight and my tomorrows

Apr 11, 2006 08:27

I live in the land of busy. Big work projects to do (like 130 page books) and lots of friends stopping by and parties to go to and D&D-like board games to play just about every other night for the past two weeks. Life is good.

Also, I am now the pround owner of these super great sneakers. Green! And orange! what's not to like.

Oh, and this could be fun: (gacked, paraphrasing and all, from simmysim) there was a meme floating around my flist that I can't find anymore, but the gist of it was, take a look at my interests and if there's any that trouble or confound you, comment here. I will then comment in response with an explanation. Then you do the same! It's great fun!

meme, stuff i got, random, friends

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