oh Serenity. oh babble.

Dec 24, 2005 17:54

I've spent pretty much all day reading fic (it is my Christmas present to myself, that and that I bought Serenity on Wednessday).

Watched Serenty twice three times in two three days. Twice with femmenerd and friends and one of those with the commentary. Noticed such things as the beginning of Serenity is all about the Mal/Simon and the end is all about the Mal/River (even though I still find this thought a bit disturbing). Joss refers to reavers as zombies ! and points out the blue bottle pass in the commentary. I've become quite fascinated with Mal/Inara (this is all my darling femme's fault). They are so angsty. It is hot. And with that we realized how very similar Simon and Inara are. Mal likes 'em fancy and unattainable me thinks. Also, The out takes (yes I saw them before but) I don't know how it is I didn't really pick up on it before, but the way Sean says "one.. fuck" and then slaps Nathan (such a girly slap) HA! no I'm not thinking Firefly RPS or anything but. HA! Can't keep the grin of my face just thinking about it. *is biggest dork EVER* I do believe femmenerd and I talked about Firefly and fandom and fic for nearly 24 hours straight. It's so very wonderful to be able to talk about such things in person.

And now, I must go make pies for tomorrow. Happy Christmas all!

whee, firefly, friends, geekitude

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