i'm more impressionable when my cement is wet

Nov 21, 2005 12:12

I have now seen GoF twice, once on Friday and once yesterday. I think I actually liked it better the second time (not that I didn't love it the first time) the things that annoyed me most upon first viewing faded into the background the second time.

Neville! Oh I so love Neville. When he gets all excited over plants at the lake, so cute. I'm very glad the decided to have him give Harry the gillyweed since there were no house elves. and dancing Neville! My Neville love is so huge right now.

Cho's accent is love and I may not be so annoyed with her in OotP if she talks while she's crying.

Ron and Harry fighting, so perfect. and the scene at the lake with the ridiculous he said that she said that she said (and Harry/Ron, yo. Boys, indeed). and I'm so pleased that the kids' acting has improved.

They put Padma in Gryffindor and Eloise Midgen too (isn't she a Hufflepuff?). bah. why? This is probably the thing that they changed that annoys me the most 'cause I can see no reason for it.

Mad Eye's eye bothered me the first time I saw it but I got used to it, still don't like it all that much but it doesn't make me wish it wasn't there every time I see it. Overall I like Mad Eye, though.

No Percy. This leads me to believe (based on interviews I read before PoA came out about how JKR told them certain things could be taken out and other things couldn't based on how important they are later in the books) that his falling out with the rest of the Weasleys isn't in integral part of the overall Harry vs. Voldemort story.

Quidditch World Cup. Way cool. I love love love wizard tents. I hope there's more QWC in the extra bits on the dvd.

No Bill and Charlie. :( I'm holding out for them being in the extra dvd bits too.

Draco in the black suit. So perfect. That boy looks very good in black. The lack of Narcissa was a bit disappointing though.

I like GoF movie Ginny. I didn't really start liking her in the books until HBP. They've given her a bit of HBP!Ginny personality and I think that's a good thing.

Ralph Fiennes was so perfect as Voldemort.

I found the prefect's bathroom scene both very very funny and disturbing. And "The prefect's bathroom on the fifth floor is a nice place for a bath" is such a pick up line. heh.

Fred and George = LOVE. They are teh best.

Snape! and with the hitting the trio on the heads repeatedly! love love love. Every movie from now on needs more Snape.

I'm so glad they kept the wonderful Scottish scenery of PoA and didn't go back to the weird flat lawn-ness of the first two movies. I loved all the outside castle shots, and the hills. Also, I know where Hogwarts is now. That loch when you see the train going over the bridge and Hogwarts is in the background above the lake. I've totally been there. *feels special*

In conclusion. GoF = LOVE!

harry potter, goblet of fire, movies

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