
Jul 15, 2010 00:09

Posting the meme the other day was a real reminder how I've abandoned my LJ. I had to go back almost two years to find a post that actually had enough content to copy and paste. It's not that I don't still read LJ, since I do, pretty much every day. But between one thing and another, it's been occasionally tough to find the energy to write anything of real significance, or really anything at all. But I'd like to start doing so again, so here goes!

I got my new passport in the mail today. (It's super patriotic, with lots of quotes and flags and photos of national landmarks and stuff.) This was significant to me for a few reasons--one, my previous passport photo was done right after I graduated high school (literally--I think I was wearing the same outfit that I am wearing in the photos from my graduation party), which was officially ten years ago now. (yikes) I had short hair in my photo, and a big goofy smile. Now I have long hair, and a (hopefully) slightly wiser smile. I'm 10 years older and 20 pounds heavier (I knew I had to get the photo updated, because the immigration staff had to keep looking at me, then back at the photo, then at me, then back at the photo on my last trip), and not someplace I ever expected to be, but all in all, I'm pretty happy with how that decade went. For every thing that went badly, or was an unhappy surprise, there have been many more things that brought me joy, or gave me new opportunities, often from unexpected corners. Certainly, I met all you LJ folks within the last 10 years, and it's been a real pleasure, believe me! :-)

That old passport saw me through six trips to Japan, one to Korea (I should post pictures from that sometime), one to Cuba, Greece and Italy. Where will I travel in the next 10 years? It looked like France was going to be the first stamp on the new passport, but that's on hold at the moment, so Japan or Ireland is the next likely candidate. Fingers crossed!

We're more than halfway through 2010 (how'd that happen?), but hopefully it's not too late to wish everyone a happy next-ten-years. :-)
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