Ahh, just needed to post this.

Nov 05, 2009 15:06

Yeah. Kind of pointless. But I'm drastically changing my Facebook profile and I want to be reminded of the person I was before I made these drastic changes.

And I'm also on a library computer and I can't save to it.

And I don't feel like walking all the way back to my residence hall to do this on my laptop.

For me, laziness = motivation. Because I'm a nonconformist.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My activities were: High school activities: Thespian Society, Forum staff (layout editor/graphic editor/cartoonist), National Art Honor Society, YAC (Young Adults in the Church)

College activities: Theatre Oxford, Live Artist Society, Outdoor Oxford, POOCH, Volunteer Oxford, Culinary Club, BSO Co-Founder and Co-President

Rockbrook Camp counselor!!

My interests were: "Sit-down" interests: Drawing, reading, writing, art, computers, poetry, comics/cartoons, painting, and writing newspaper columns about nothing

"Doing-something" interests: acting, flaunting my stick-shift skillz, kayaking, horseback riding, Rockbrook camp, hanging out with friends, making bad puns, and pointing out bad puns that other people don't make intentionally

My favorite music was: "Old" bands: Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Aerosmith, The Rolling Stones, Queen, The Beatles, The Who, Pink Floyd, The Ramones, Fleetwood Mac, Heart

"New" bands: Green Day, R.E.M., Hellogoodbye, Death Cab for Cutie, The Postal Service, Regina Spektor,The Killers, Coldplay, The Shins, The Decemberists

Other: more Disney songs than any normal person should know, Broadway original cast recordings, movie soundtracks

My favorite movies were: Anything that's deliciously quote-able like Monty Python, Mean Girls, Juno, or My Big Fat Greek Wedding, almost all of Mel Brooks' movies, the original Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies, musical movies like Chicago and The Producers, and most importantly, ANIMATED MOVIES. Even the bad Don Bluth ones.

And that's all I have to say about that.

I GOT INTO ALL OF THE CLASSES I WANTED FIRST TRY!! My laptop + ethernet = WIN. My roommate's laptop + wireless = FAIL.
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