so anyway today's english exam seemed to suck. the essay was the only part i like the rest was...rushed and sounded very awkwardly i was squaking on about something that's as familiar as the phsyics. *bangs head* man that sucked but oh well this next exam will have to be better! at least i got to see eveyone ^^.
that aside on deviantart i found this group of deathnote cosplayers. they're pretty much the best cosplayers i've ever seen! if i knew for sure where they are i'd travel all the way there to see them in person. i think they're in the phillipenese...anyway if any of you are interested here's the link; they also have more up on deviantart, the guy that cosplay's as light is dressed as alice in wonderland's alice, he looks good as a girl and a boy! MARIEL TAKE PICTURES LIKE THESE! IMAGINE HOW FUN IT'D BE!!! no pressure or anything...
maybe next year's animania or smash we should all dress up...
it's been finalised we're going to USA on the 6th of december until the 6th of january...i think...and before then i want to get my ear periced at the top or something, my hair cut and coloured and money enough to buy myself lotsa clothes ^^. course my mum's going to flip but that's half the fun of it. so this of course means that i'm probably not going anywhere these holidays until after january (if i still have a job, i'm sure to get fired with all this time i've been taking off ><)
well thne, see you all later. good luck with the rest of everyone's exams ^^