A simple story summary this time, not entirely energetic enough to do a drabble - wouldn't have done anything today but when this drawing came up -
http://community.livejournal.com/widdlez/10316.html - the muses in my head began throwing things at me going WRITE IT NOW. So, inspired from that drawing...
Opening on a Southern mansion, the wealthy owner of the home is angrily remarking about the noise on the streets. His daughter - minnie - comes to the window to see what the fuss is about. People from a traveling circus are on the streets, advertising their upcoming show. From the window, Minnie can see one of her father's cotton picking employees, Mickey, casually talking to one of the travelers. The father continues to rant and rave, while Minnie dreamily watches Mickey. Figuring he wants to go to the circus, she begs her father to let her go, and he relents - who can say no to that face?
That night, taking some maids (her friends) with her, they go to the circus. To Minnie's surprise, Mickey is the ringleader! His two assistants are Panchito Pistoles and Jose Carioca. The show is wonderful, and for a final act, he asks for a volunteer from the audience. But Panchito and Jose seem to break their little act, and begin teasing Mickey about perhaps picking the lacy mouse he's been so fond of lately. He keeps protesting, but the spotlight falls on Minnie, and she's led on stage. Mickey is flustered, but tries to deny ever knowing her. Jose and Panchito continue to tease the 'couple' throughout the magic act - Minnie is placed in a box, sawed in half, taken apart, then put back together in a new dress. When the act is finished, Mickey gives her a red rose, and sends her on her way.
Back at the mansion, the maids ask Minnie about any trick doors or hidden outfits, but she says there was nothing of the sort - she can't explain the magic she went through. She also finds out from her father that Mickey the cotton picker has quit his job, much to her disappointment. It's revealed that Mickey had only worked there a few weeks, and after saving Minnie from a runaway horse, the two had become friends, despite social status. Minnie had found herself enamored with him, and now wonders what's going on with the circus mystery. She goes to see the circus every day, but she's not picked again for those final acts - oddly enough, the girls for those acts are given pink roses, not red. Finally, her father, annoyed at the waste of money, forbids her to see the circus on its next to last night.
Minnie sneaks out of the house, but by the time she gets there, the show has ended. She decides to lurk around the tent, and finds Mickey on top of a trailer, wistfully twirling a red rose in his fingers - even smelling deeply and looking quite lovestruck - until Jose and Panchito come out, surprising him. They lament that they still haven't found the 'imperial princess', and they've been at this quest for years now, maybe they'll never find her. Mickey protests, saying that it's their duty to find 'her' before 'the dark duke' does, and tells them each show is one closer to finding her. The boys lament how much they miss their home, but eventually go back to teasing Mickey about his job of a cotton picker and his feelings for his employer's daughter. Again, Mickey is flustered, and shoos them off. Minnie decides to leave, puzzled by their conversation.
But before she leaves the area, one of the animal cages opens, and a lion goes after her! The lion's eyes seem to be hypnotized, and it chases her. Mickey, Panchito, and Jose hear her screams, and the four plus lion wind up inside the tent. The boys use magic tricks to try and subdue the beast, but nothing works - it's only when it goes after Mickey that Minnie commands it to stop. Surprisingly, it does! She keeps yelling at the lion, and it becomes docile, the eyes returning to normal. The other circus performers rush in, saying someone had unlocked the lion's cage and cast a spell on him - then everyone begins to bow and exalt to Minnie, calling her 'your highness'. They also begin to cheer, saying they can finally go home. Mickey and the other two take Minnie to his trailer so they can explain things to her - Jose opens a 'closet of memories' so she can see for herself.
There are a special breed of people who can summon magic from another world. But after years of being persecuted and hunted, these people decided to live in that other world, instead of Earth. In that world, Mickey and the boys were the royal knights of the imperial king, queen, and princess. The imperial ones are the ones most in tune to magic, and are some of the most powerful. But one man wanted to use magic to conquer and hurt others, the Dark Duke (phantom blot), and he sought the princess's hand in order to gain more power and become the future king. The princess always refused him, as she wished to marry for love. She was also always fascinated by tales of Earth, and longed for the day that mortals and magic beings could live together in peace. Eventually, the Duke lost his patience, and, with his followers, he attacked the royal family. They wound up killing the king and queen, and mortally wounding the princess (the latter by accident, she was trying to save Mickey's life) . She had enough power for a spell to have her soul reborn in the Earth world. The Duke left the magic world to find her, and Mickey and the boys recruited help to travel to earth to find her as well. What better place to hide magic beings... than in plain sight, a job where so very few people believe what they see is real?
They used the circus act, traveling from town to town - with Mickey first going to town and getting a job to inspect the place - to try and find her. They believe Minnie is the princess, for the lion obeyed her completely, and her voice managed to drive out the spell on the lion. However, they have encountered a snag - Minnie doesn't remember any of her past life, and she wants to stay with her father. Panchito and Jose are very upset, but Mickey completely understands, and begins to walk her home. On the walk home, Minnie says she does feel guilty that she can't go with them, but Mickey is just glad she's been safe all this time. Before they can talk further, they find Minnie's house - engulfed in flames. The Duke and his followers had attacked, seeking to destroy all of Minnie's current life. The father and maids survived, but they have all been badly burned. Realizing that staying here would put more of her friends and family in danger, she tearfully says she'll go with Mickey to the world of magic.
Unfortunately, they hit another snag - in the time they've been gone, the world of magic has been taken over by the Duke and his followers, so to go back is a death sentence. The only way to set things right is to stop the Duke and rid him of his magic, make him into an ordinary mortal, by removing the one main thing that separates magic beings from mortals - the crystal hearts that keep them in tune with magic. The circus will have to travel in order to find him. Along the way, they discover that magic beings have been running away to the mortal world for years, in order to escape the Duke and his minions. Also, over the years, they bred with mortals, creating beings who are half mortal, half magic. Several of these types of beings join the journey - Goofy, an ordinary mortal toymaker, and his son, one of the halfs, Daisy, a 'pure' magic who has been using magic to make her gossip column spicy, and Donald, a caretaker of mermaids, who is actually one of the Duke's minions sent to spy on the group, but falling in love with Daisy causes him to switch sides.
Minnie occasionally wonders if Mickey's kindness towards her is only because she's the princess - was he in love with her? - which makes it all the more painful as she falls deeper and deeper in love with him. Just about the entire circus tries to get the two to hook up, because... well, because its Mickey and Minnie, of course their feelings are going to be blatantly obvious. Alas, up to this point, I ran out of ideas. Maybe I'll come back to it later and try to make a good climax/ending. Felt fun to type.