Baby Food Clothes

May 20, 2009 12:47


Natalie took her first steps yesterday!! The Hubby was home for it and everything, it was great. She takes a few steps here and there, but when we try to encourage her to walk, she falls down on her butt and claps for herself...because that's what we did after all. Clapped when she fell on her butt. We also went to story time today, where she walked into the middle of the room and stood there for about 5 minutes. Since story time, she has been pointing to the flowers on my shirt and sniffing to let me know that she knows that I have flowers on my shirt and that sniffing is what you do with flowers. That makes sense. Making the sign for "bath" every time we see the Ostrich in the birdie pop-up book - does not.


I love food. Supporting The Hubby in a 1200 calorie/day diet is hard and I think I need more burritos. At any given time I am usually thinking about tacos. This may be why I am such a poor driver.


I also love clothes. While Charlotte Russe produces some hideous stuff, they always have good shoes, and when they have a sale? Watch out. I don't know if everyone knew, but Jcrew really really overprices their clothes. Example: I just bought a skirt there for $10.00. Yes TEN, 10, not 100. The original "value" was $70. WHAT!?  I almost don't want to buy anything from them because they are such scam artists, and kind of gay, but....$10.00.
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