New Years Resolutions

Jan 06, 2009 09:22

I don't think I've ever had a New Years resolution, besides when I quit the chewing tobacco. BUT this year, I actually have a few:

1. Participate in a half marathon for more than half a mile. Actually RUN in said half marathon.

2. Read more. I have a crazy long list to attend to - Julia Child's My Life in France , To Kill a Mockingbird, Bed and least I'm not still in the middle of Anansi Boys anymore.

3. Acclimate baby to baby cage to accomplish resolution #2

4. Create emergency fund in savings.

5. Stop having emergencies (resolution #3 will also help with this)

Anyways, life is back to normal after the holiday craziness. The Hubby is back at work, the Baby is cute, and Martha Stewart can still make decorated thank you notes from her horse's poop.

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