Myspace Drama.

Feb 22, 2005 23:20

Lately I seem to be getting myself into all sorts of drama. I don't know how I do it, but I do. I hate people!

How it started...

Brittney: i wanna know everything u know about vince...

My Reply:  He is an ass hole, he has webbed feet, he went out with me to get down my pants, He uses people to get what he wants, once he does he fucks them over, even some of his best friends. He doesn't bathe often. He is a sophomore. He is a liar. He has a small dick. He sucks in bed. He was in pottery. He lives with his dad. He has siblings. He went out with a wigger girl. He goes to 180. He has fucked up teeth. He owes me 30 dollars. Thats all I know

Brittney's reply:  a lot of what u told me was about sex...thats just too bad i dont plan to have sex with not trying to be rude but MOST of the shit u just told me about Vince is the shit i could care less about...lucky him...a guy can only get down ur pants if u let its not all him...cause if thats all he wanted from u he wouldnt have dated u...btw...i think the reason he fucked u over was because u had a guy staying the night at ur house...thats FUCKED and he could only fuck u over if u let him and i dont plan a different person..i am WAY different then what hes EVER dated...lets just hope he can handle me...

Some girl I've never met getting involved:  wow... your hair is a bumble bee. i mean well i just had to say that because it is bugging me. haha. get it....bugging....bumble bee....ok need to stop sayin shit about vince! cuz someone is gonna kick your ass if you keep going. well ok....a couple someones! and you sayin shit about him to brit isnt gonna change her mind about himl. so just stop! your just mad cuz he fucked you and left you, cuz your a nasty ass bitch!

My reply to the stranger:  She asked and so I told her. I don't care if she fucks him or not that's her own business. I'll say whatever I want about whoever I want, what I say to Brittney is between Brittney and I. You know nothing about me to say I'm a 'nasty ass bitch.' You shouldn't start shit with people you DON'T KNOW!!!! Good God. You don't even go to my fucking school, I'm not afraid of you.

Strangers reply to me:  well to tell you the truth i dont care who you are or ne thing all i want is for you to stop making up lies and making vince sounds like a bad guy because he isn't. so i would really like it if you would stop talking shit about vince and just leave him and brittney alone. they can do whatever they want and you have nothing to do with their activites as much as i have nething to do with you and vince. so actually it's none of your business what vince does because you have no impact on him. ok. so just stop and think about all the lies you've said and leave vince alone that's all i ask.

Brittney again:  OKAY...i never had any of my friends on myspace talk shit to u if they talked shit to u it was on their terms because they are probably friends with vince themselves because i DEFINITLY would not LOWER my self to wasting MY time to get ppl to talk shit to u i have so many other things to deal with then ur melodramatic new here and i didnt want to start shit with anyone...i have NO friends with everyone and if that preppy so be least no one is walk ing around calling me a dumb cunt...AND when u say NOT TO BE RUDE...u are trying to be rude...cause thats how u put my last msg i wasnt trying being rude and if it came out that way im sorry...AND I AM DEFINITLY NOT A FUCKING PREP. Do u think Kyle Sadloski is a Jorddan Brad Wingett...definitly not!?!?!? I didnt think so...those are mutual friends...!

I never said u should be scared of not trying to start drama with u..i dont want drama..because from what i have heard thats all ur DRAMA..but i refuse to believe it unless i experience it first...think twice before u call someone a prep..because i am far from it..i may look it but my attitude is the last thing u would expect outta me...i dont know and i dont care about that night with that guy because its none of my business...and plus i dont wanna know...i dont care about anything in the past thats all done and over with no one can change what they have done in the past...i care about the present and the future...and when i asked u about Vince i never ment any of this to happen...i just wanted to know more about him because i like him...

anyways... this is total BULLSHIT that i have to wake up to that msg..EXPECIALLY WHEN IM *NOT* A EFFING PREP

Brittney's *comment on my myspace*: HOW EFFING IMMATURE...those pictures are totally uncalled for....if anyone says shit to u about him he had nothing to do with it so MAYBE u should check ur facts before u say stupid shit...i would have been GLAD to ask him for ur money in a civil maner but that was fucked up..idk what to tell u...all i can tell u is stop being so immature..and IM NOT AN EFFING PREP AND NEITHER ARE MY FRIENDS!

My reply on her Myspace, Got deleted.

Nicole Downs getting involved: Melissa
ok here it goes
seriously if you dont like drama
stay out of it.
its that simple
your a fucking freshman in high school
my ass was not that dumb to
fucking get in drama
yeah i talk major shit
about almost EVERYONE
but i dont give a fuck
and if some ugly ass lame girll
wants to kick my ass
i will wait for her to step up
if not
People like you. are the reason
high school is so fucking hard
to wake up and WANT to go too
just live your own fucking life
and not worry about others
and make up everything you want about
vince. i LOVE vince. hes been a goood friend
to me. and i dont care if its true
what everyone is saying.
i remember things you did with chris
its the same pattern
they dump you or you dump them and then
it may seem like im creating drama
or getting in this.
but if its like that
on myspace.



chokeonit ♥

pssssss. if you start shit with my sam. sam foster. i will personally
come and talk to you.
say what you want.
cause its either true
or shes gotta better things to do then
worry about some aubrey look-a-like.

pssssssssssss. when did dressing like aubrey become cooler
then copying nicole riddl?

this doesnt change anything between us at all
i was just venting about all this shit i hear
back and forth
its so fucking GOD-DAMN- RIDICULOUS


My reply to Nicole: Nicole
Ok here it goes
From this freshman to a junior
it's anyones guess how an emotional Trainwreck like you
made it this far
The reason why getting up for school
is so hard for you is because you have to face yourself
And that's sad.
Why don't you take your OWN advice
and stay the fuck out of MY business
I'll post what I want
I'll say what I want
And as for starting shit
Come talk to me anytime you fucking want
You know where to find me

psssssssssssssst Get a fucking identity and maybe some self esteem while you're at it.♥

psssssssssssssssssssssst If you and your friend really want to make things better you should just make a pact together and end it now♥

*My new blog*: The "fight" between Brittney and I is done. OVER! Her and I talked things out and we didn't need Nicole Downs to help us (Thanks anyways love.) What I don't get is why it seems to be EVERYONE in the world's business when I get into an arguement. Yes, I posted a blog. For my FRIENDS to read that way I wouldn't have to keep telling everyone repeatedly what's going on with Brittney and I. I didn't ask for ANYONE'S input. It was between BRITTNEY AND I, I can't stress saying that enough because nobody seems to get it.

Brittney and I are fine now. So everything should STOP before things get too out of hand. I can't believe the whole thing even got blown out of porportion like this. It's fucking retarded.

Also, I could really care less if people think I'm "copying Aubrey" or "starting shit." Not that, this had nothing to do with any of this. It's funny how it takes something like this to see the way people really think about you, the people who pretend to be "friends" with you or atleast civil to you, then it takes something stupid like this to get things out in the open. If everyone thinks so negatively of me, don't be fake and smile at me in the hallways, I don't need anymore fake people in my life, let alone the ones who talk shit behind my back. Thanks♥

and when people get into other peoples' arguements and drama that's just starting more drama.

Aubrey's post:

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