Nov 28, 2005 21:58
I forgot to add that I think its really annoying when someone can change who they are && everything about themself in a drop of a hat, just to please somebody else, or to impress them, or to make them like you more--We've all done this before, I know. I know I myself have done it before.. But most of us grew out of it, and most of us learned not to change who we are for other people. But I guess some people just never learned.. Some people don't learn from any of their mistakes, they just keep on changing for whoever it is they like for that day or week or month. && they just keep on lying to keep everyone on her/her goodside, when really they are playing stupid mind games with all of their 'friends' and talking shit about them behind their backs. It's kind of ridiculous to call a person like this your "Friend"--Don't you think?