
Jan 14, 2007 22:42

Yeah, something i'm really good at apparently.
I'm nowhere even near finishing my essay for tomorrow. I got far too distracted by this wonderful website. But then - as you do when you're me and really don't want to write anymore about West Side Story - i decided to go and investigate into the world of communities that Andie was on about. And naturally being the geek that I am the first thing i looked up was 'Torchwood'.
I think its safe to say i'm not getting this essay done anytime soon! In love with Lj. (About time too) and thank you to xinstinctive for my new user pic. Completley fab. you should go and see them.

Now would be the time were id be helpful and put a link or something. But i don't know how to do that yet, so all you educated people can go geg, cause they're really good.

Ramble over, i'm back off to do my work - eventually.
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