May 26, 2007 14:18
I just don't understand him. He started calling me again three weeks ago after not calling me for months. So I was like okay fine. Maybe we can be friends. So we have been talking everyday and he had started talking about us having a future again after he gets somethings taken care of where he is at. I was not counting on anything. I never do with him, he is very fickle and not at all reliable. We were a couple nearly three years ago and he decided that the apporpriate way to break up with me was by not calling me anymore. Which he has done two more times since. So he called yesterday and I wasn't home so I didn't answer the phone. Sounds reasonable to me. Not here can't answer the phone. I didn't call him back yesterday due to my mother and I fighting. She is driving me insane. Anyway, I got up this morning and gave him a call. His phone has been disconnected. Am I that awful of a person. Not worth committing to? Not even worth talking to unless it is very convient for you. I am sick of being shit on and treated like I am expindable. However the hell you spell that. When exactly is it my turn. I try to be good to my friends. I know I can be a shit sometimes, but this is fucking ridiculous. He won't call for two months and then he will call and act like everything is just fine. I have had and I am going to tell him exactly where he can fucking go this time! I am not a DOORMAT!!!!