(gives the finger to evangelicals)

Jul 28, 2005 18:20

So its been awhile, but like I've explained to some of you, nothing has really changed in my life. I'm now enjoying the single life, for those who didn't know, and I don't know how long I will be doing that. I passed my Piano Proficiency Test, which means I can graduate. Not much else to report.

I have been watching "Paula Zahn Now" for the past two evenings, and they've been doing a multi-part story on a camp in Memphis the claims to convert gay teenagers straight. The man responsible for this camp claims to have "renounced his homosexual behavior over 20 years ago." SCREW THAT!

How dare this man put these young men and women through a conversion treatment that could be damaging their self-image and self-worth!
How dare these parents send their own children to "camps" where they think their children can become "normal" !
(explitive) NORMAL!

These men and women claim to be good Christians, but all I can see is them ruining the lives of these poor young people. And they say that these children are making the wrong choice..........how many time do I have to say it? IT'S NOT A CHOICE! Who would choose this? C'mon!

They claim that if their child becomes homosexual, that they will lead a life of promisquity, lust, and eventually do drugs and rape young boys. I have a cure for these behaviors (and this perception of my community).........let us marry. I wouldn't feel less than human everytime I watched some reality show about marriage or a wedding..........hmmmmmm. Breakthrough?

You decide.
(gets off soapbox)
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