Ничего себе...

Feb 12, 2013 23:28

Оказывается, контрданс "Летающий шотландец" назван так в честь легендарного локомотива!

http://parovoziya.ru/collection/rw-trains/product/letayuschiy-shotlandets - и не узнала бы, если б не игрушка :-)

The LNER Class A3 Pacific locomotive no. 4472 "Flying Scotsman" (originally no. 1472) was built in 1923 for the London and North Eastern Railway (LNER) at Doncaster Works to a design of H.N. Gresley.
It was employed on long-distance express trains on the LNER and its successors, British Railways Eastern and North-Eastern Regions, notably the 10am London to Edinburgh Flying Scotsman service after which this locomotive was named. In its career 4472 "Flying Scotsman" has travelled 2,000,000 miles (3,200,000 km).


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