Jun 23, 2008 05:10
I wonder if anyone her can assist?
A charity I used to be associated with,
1) changed it's constitution to effectively disuade one person from becoming a committee member, Then it's chair broke the constitution himself as soon as he found a sycophant said chair may have use of.
2) Is it usual for All Committe members to retain their seats (and position within the committee) indefinately, given that the members have no vote now for who holds a position, voting only allows members to vote for who retains their position?
3) Is it usual for a constitution to declare that only 1/3rd of committee members can be up for re-election at a time.
4) Is it usual for nepotism, poor acounting (ie not everything expenses wise is listed, and many of the listed items are not listed as to what they are, mostly it's down as "CASH".
5) Where there is nepotism on such a committee, lack of accountability (and accounts) and the 3 top positions ie, chair,(No vice chair because the chair insists no vice is needed, secretary, and Bookkeeper, are all PAID TRUSTEES, Who's fees are not declared in any of the Accounts provided to the charities commission for the last 10 years, The Chair seems to insiste everything is done as he says, no fundraising schemes get past the chair (apparently there's no need for fundraising in a charity who's accounts have gone downhill over the last 5 years as has the service, and even though the charity suggests its to help a group of people with information and training, every mail that offers this is discarded by the chair suggesting it's of no interest to them.
It's My belief that this charity is and has been run by the chair and family members for personal gains for quite some time now, but the lack of fundraising, realy beats me (would Q's be asked if donators were found?) I know well that gift donations by way of Xmas raffle prizes have been misappropriated in previous years, but with only 1 other witness, I'm at a loss of what to do before those who do rely on the charity get screwed over and left with no help at all.
Any advice please?