Feb 18, 2006 13:29
So it's pretty weird being awake at 1:30 on a Saturday, already seemingly have accopmished so much..when, on normal Saturdays, I would just now be rolling my lazy ass out of bed, and starting my day.
I woke up at 6, took a shower, shaved my legs (!!), dried/ straightened my hair, got dressed, and left in a snowstorm for Oak Hills at 7, presumably 20 minutes away. Let's not be too presumptuous. Even with the slick roads, and the accidents, and the detours, we arrived at 7:40, so I could go to the practice room for 15 minutes and warm up. At first it was only me and this alto sax guy. Then this floutist girl came in, and I pretended like I was much better than her, and didn't pay her any attention. Solo time: 8:10. Judge's first of the day. Because I'm cool like that. But I wasn't even very nervous, it was too early in the morning to be nervous. I hadn't had my coffee yet. "Are you going to blow me away?" She literally asked me that when I walked in. Awkward laugh. I'll try. The rest was smooth, not my best run-through, but it rarely ever is. I thought going first would be tough. The judges would be fresh and strict, not sure of the basis of the grading scale to which they would accustome themselves to by 5 o'clock. She clapped when I was done. She smiled at me, and spent almost 5 minutes writing on my sheet. The person after me hadn't arrived yet. Kruze shook my hand, and both he and LeBorgne said it was good, and I knew they would have said that anyway, even if I sucked. My mom said I was good, and Alan said he was relieved that it was over, and couldn't imagine how I must feel. Well, since it was so early, no one else was there to hear me, and I didn't care. I would have been playing for the same people anyway. I felt decent about it, anyway.
We watched Daniel and Natalie's piano solos before my score was posted. And I saw some Northwest people like Mike Allen, Ryan Harper, Chrissy, and Ryan's sister, who looked at me slightly awkwardly and confusedly, as if they forgot I exsisted, or couldn't believe they were seeing me in full-flesh, even though Mike and Ryan had casually stopped by my house just this Thursday. But that's high school boys for you.
I got a one, which I was more than moderately expecting, but it still filled me with pride and accomplishment, and then we went home. It was probably the pinnacle of my flute playing this year, unless my 1 rating on a Class A piece has had any affect on Kruze whatsoever, and maybe he will let me into Wind Ensemble next year. Because that might actually be even cooler. ...might.
I changed, cleaned my room, ate breakfast, called my dad, called my flute teacher, and would have probably started practicing, if in fact, I had something to practice.
I'm pretty much sick of winter, and being cold, and feeling like shit all over.
But everyone seems to be pretty happy, which is a good thing.
Is coffee supposed to be good for cramps? Because I found out last night that Indian food definately isn't.
But basketball games are. And freshmen by the name of Sam, who claim to have scored half of the team's points just for you, even though you know he didn't, but it makes you feel better anyway. And who gives you a hug after the game, just for coming to watch him, which you promised you would do anyway...and who's immature freshman friends all come up to you and say "ooh Sam, who is this?" and you just smile, because you're not even much more than a freshman yourself, but they make you laugh, and that's all you really want anyway.
But people just don't even understand how amazingly nice a hug is.