The icon says it all

Aug 01, 2010 23:26

With Lady Darkstone's help, I got a mock-up that fit my torso for the polonaise. I even went as far as draping a sleeve tonight, and I love how it looks.
In the meantime, I also started emptying our closet/attic, which is going to get painted and reorganised over thenext couples of days. I put aside two trashbags and one big cardboard box of old clothes to be giben away, put everything into neat piles for which I found a place in the rest of the house, discovered I fit back into my green bustle dress and my leather skirt, and did a bunch of other things like going to a birthday party, buying groceries, playing with the kid and going to the fabric dealer -who didn't have any more of my bustle fabric. I think I can still make it if I piece the hell out of it. Worse comes worse, I can scrap the box pleat at the back of the polonaise and just leave a flat, not bunched-up point there. It's period as well.
I feel pretty awesome tonight !

house therapy, daisy

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