What's behind those eyes? (what type of eye do you have..8 outcomes!) brought to you by
Quizilla So the tests and tour thing went well...I was only 5 minutes late to work, not that I care. Katie's such a hormonal bitch right now that I just want to slap the shit out of her. I really hate it that she's getting all of this special treatment just because she's pregnant...the bitch isn't even showing. It's only been like 6 weeks...she needs to suck it up. Just because she didn't plan to have this kid doesn't mean we did, so she needs to quit...fucking whore. She's always talking about how much she can't stand her husband too, that's what really pisses me off. If you don't like him, don't fuck him...you should learn from your mistakes you dumb cunt. Oh, and apparently now every woman employee at Fred's is having an "Oh my god, I think I'm pregnant!" moment. It's really starting to piss me off. I'm just glad that I can be absolutely positive that I'm not and that I can throw that in their faces. If you can't take responsibility for your actions, or prevent things from happening that you don't want to happen, then you should suffer the consequences. So just know now that if you *oops* accidentally get knocked up and bitch about it...don't be surprised if I hurt you.
So anyway, yeh, I'm tired and that's good. I need to get some sleep for tomorrow. It's going to be such a long day. I have to be to work at 8:30 a.m., then directly afterward I've got like an infinity of things to do. *!K!E!G!G!E!R!* -> "oh yes, it's Coburg icecream, it's Coburg icecream oh yes..." hehehe...I still have to wrap Jonny and Michael's presents...or not...hahaha. I don't think it really matters to either of them. I don't even have clean clothes. Maybe that's what I should do...hmm...laundry...? I suppose it must be done sometime; what better time than now?...On that note...peace.